Friday, December 02, 2011


This is David Icke talking in 2009 about World War 3 being engineered between the USA v Russia and China with the trigger in the Middle East involving Israel.

He has suggested this many times and for many years.

And it looks oh so prophetic, doesn't it?

Except it is not prophetic. It is read from a script, or a letter to be more precise, a letter or series of letters written nearly 150 years ago in which a plan was laid out for three world wars to implement a tyrannical world government.

This blog is, as far as I know, the only blog to continually suggest and propagate this fact. My website is one of less than a handful to address the three world war theory.

That plan required the creation of Israel, the creation of Communism, the creation of Fascsim. All three of these can be traced back to the same cabal of bankers based in Wall Street and The City of London. How can they finance such a plan? Because like total dickheads the corrupt wretches in The Houses of Parliament and Congress have given this cabal the power to create money, now multi trillions, out of thin air.

In the snippet Icke mentions a traffic warden who was told by a senior policeman that there will soon be a major war that will cause massive civil unrest, and people like traffic wardens are being given powers that police currently have in anticipation of this coming war.

If we fall for this one it's goodbye freedom, my old friend.

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