Saturday, December 10, 2011


I can't quite understand what Webster Tarpley is getting at in this interview on Press TV.

I can understand the following;
1. that because Wall Street was bailed out with so many dollars the USA elite with the City of London have engineered a panic in Euroland to make the Euro look unattractive so that deposits in Euros are moved to what appear to be safer deposits in dollars in sterling, perhaps yen.
2. Cameron acted as a trojan horse, as predicted by de Gaulle, to cause that panic
3. Cameron made this out to be in the British national interest, but as I pointed out yesterday the British national interest is not the same as the interest of The City of London. The City of London is an independent entity that wants savage and brutal fascist austerity, mass depopulation and the survivors enslaved and policed by a brutal paramilitary police force. Besides they are not even British. They are Venetian!!

But Tarpley added that causing a crisis in Euroloand will cause a global economic crash, including in the USA and a crash of the dollar.

So how can it be in the interest of saving the dollar to cause a crisis in the Euro if it is going to cause a crash of the dollar?

Or have I missed something?

I can understand if the idea of causing a crisis in the Euro is to cause a global crisis. It is what I have been predicting would occur, and was backed up by Pastor Williams the other day on Alex Jones Show, that such massive global chaos would be caused by
1. world nuclear war in the Middle East/Caspian, in parallel with
2. global financial chaos
that we, potential slaves of the New World Order, would be begging for a our New World Order tyrannical world government.

How long will it take for the Euro to crash and cause global financial chaos?
How long will it take them to provoke Iran into firing the first shot and then launching a large war on Iran?

And another thing I don't quite understand. If the point of postponing war with Iran is to save Obama then why wait? I mean, can they not engineer a crisis, a national emergency, so that elections can be suspended, maybe suspended indefinitely?

1 comment:

me said...

Unless the point is to get as many deposits in Euros moved to deposits in dollars or sterling, and THEN blow up the global economy, and then it will be too late for many to get their deposits out again (assuming the Wall Street/City of London banks have not robbed them like MF Global did recently?)