Wednesday, September 18, 2013


For the last five years every day has been Bankers in Need Day, as this Disunited Fascist Queendom bailed out the fascist gambling banks with muggins British taxpayer money to the outrageous tune of £1 TRILLION!.

But now a new needy group has come to our attention...and they are in urgent need, otherwise they face total annihilation. That group is the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum currently beheading their way through Syria.

The cutthroat Jihadis will be holding a telephone Jihadithon to accept your pledges and donations. Any amount of money will do: a fiver; a tenner; and for fifty quid you will even receive a photograph of a freshly decapitated head signed by the executioner.

But the cutthroats more urgently require the following items: breadknives (to behead civilians and priests); AK47s (to execute unarmed prisoners en masse); cameras (to film their horrific crimes against humanity); Sarin (for more false flag attacks to blame on Assad); and political support from our politicians.

So don't delay, phone today, and save a cutthroat Jihadi from total annihilation.

Go on. You know you want to.


sort of runic rhyme said...
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sort of runic rhyme said...

Ballantine Whiskey bottles broken over the heads of their clan kids.
Cattle offspring hoefers slaughtered.
AIG entitled heirs without 'em.
Leavittating genies and grotesque byrds falling to their Graves.
Their dead Ford Explorers obKnoxiously littering the roadsides.
The demonic child snuffers forced to toast little Weiners to eat.
Old MacDonalds farm and Pooh Corners burned to the ground as stand-ins for child-cropping and reaping Moloch's altar.
Old World Kirks revealed as churches of Satan.
French-russian gays exposed as demonic Gregorian chanters.