Monday, April 14, 2014


In Sarajevo : Political Murder, Joachim Remak ridicules the claims by the assassins of Arch Duke Ferdinand that they were Freemasons, had received the material for the assassination from Freemasons abroad and knew and were encouraged by the fact that Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death 2 years earlier. Remak suggests that the whole story was made up through a series of knocks on the walls made between the assassins during the night before they gave their testimony!!
That night, it seems, Princip and Cabrinovic agreed, by the covert system of knocks which the prisoners used to communicate between their cells, to pursue the subject of the Masons.

[source : Joachim Remak, Sarajevo : Political Murder, Page 225]

However, if it was all made up through a series of knocks on the walls then surely some simple interrogation would have demolished these claims? Not so. Apparently their testimony held up.
Cross-examination would shake neither his nor Princip's testimony.
Remak then mocks General Luddendorf who researched and believed that the assassins were all Freemasons and were part of "a secret department in the British Foreign Office which specialized in political assassinations".

Remak then mocks an article which predicted Ferdinand's assassination that was published on 15th September 1912 in Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secretes, NEARLY TWO YEARS BEFORE Ferdinand was assassinated! But when Remak refers to it he does not state when the article was published. I wonder what Remak would have made of the note written by Diana which predicted the manner of her death.

And Remak refers to several memoirs of high ranking officials...except Kaiser Wilhelm's.

Wilhelm states that he was told by a distinguished German Freemason that Freemasonry had engineered the war to create a power vacuum in Central Europe. That power vacuum was occupied by The League of Nations.

To the victor the spoils. The Allies rewrote history, erased history, mocked history to propagate their views of how and why the war started, and are thus portrayed as innocent.

Remak is considered as one of THE authorities on World War 1. We are told that the general facts about the origin of World War 1 are that a man called Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic, aka Apis, as head of the Intelligence Department in the Serbian General Staff, and also a member of the Black Hand, ordered the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, and that he confessed to this.

But here is what Remak says about this:
The exact dates and circumstances of how Franz Ferdinand's murder was planned although not the motives, for those are very plain indeed have never been established with absolute certainty, and probably never will be. The plot's surviving participants have either kept silent or told stories widely at variance with one another, and a written confession left by Apis himself (which was suppressed by a succession of Belgrade governments until its release by Tito's in 1953) is plainly a mixture of truth and untruth. The following account, therefore, can claim no more than that it is based on the most likely among several stories and on the testimony of the more credible among the witnesses, and must remain open to some amount of doubt.

[source : Joachim Remak, Sarajevo : Political Murder, Page 54]

So far from being well established fact, the claim that Apis ordered the assassination is open to some serious doubt. Remak then goes on over several chapters to flesh out the theory that Apis was responsible, and along away mocks the British/Freemasonry theory by suggesting that the assassins made it all up through a series of knocks on the walls at night!!

But the British/Freemasonry theory makes much more sense:
1. Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death in 1912 and was looking for but had not found willing assassins (a fact that Remak conveniently omits);
2. But through Ciganovic Freemasonry supplied the assassins with the material for the assassination;
3. Upon the assassination the British did all they could to encourage war and entice Germany into invading Belgium;
4. And as soon as Germany invaded Belgium the Treaty of London 1839 was cited as the casus belli.

Perhaps General Luddendorf was right. Perhaps there was "a secret department in the British Foreign Office which specialized in political assassinations".

The British had been planning WW1 through Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England Prince and later King Edward for decades, establishing a Balkan Committee to manipulate nationalism through organisations created by British agent and top Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini.


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