Saturday, July 12, 2014


In WARS ARE HORRID HORRID THINGS I analysed the official Stop The War history of World War One, entitled The Real History of the First World War, written by Neil Faulkner.

Faulkner was interviewed by Tony Gosling on Friday, and basically repeated his thesis, that the war was going to happen anyway because of competing empires and militaries.

But is this true?

I would urge you all to watch LPAC's brilliant video entitled 1932

And to read La France Conquise which contains an edited version of an article by Webster Tarpley on King Edward VII.

Basically, Faulkner's thesis is not quite right.

Nations like Germany, Russia and the USA were cooperating, not competing as Faulkner states. They were implementing The American System of Economics of national banking and high tariffs to encourage national economic development. In addition land-based trade routes were being developed by these nations beyond the control of the powerful British Navy. Hence, The brutal slave-loving British Empire was being replaced as the most powerful economic force by cooperating nations like Germany and the USA. Faulkner recognises this but does not provide as precise a reason as this. And hence, Great Britain decided to kick over the chess board, engineer World War One to destroy nation states and create a world government under their control.

So as explained multiple times on this blog:
1. Prince Edward, later King Edward VII, engineered the Triple Entente to bring Great Britain out of 'splendid isolation' to surround Germany in war given the correct circumstances;
2. Edward did this while he was Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England;
3. Freemasonry condemned Ferdinand to death;
4. the assassins of Ferdinand were Freemasons, knew that Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death but had not yet found willing assassins, and that foreign Freemasons gave the assassins the material and encouragement for the assassination;
5. After the assassination King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm that Great Britain would not fight in any war, thus encouraging mobilisation by Germany and Russia;
6. Edward's protege Sir Edward Grey misrepresented Britain's position to multiple parties, showed little concern for Belgium and did not make Britain's position on Belgium absolutely crystal clear. But as soon as Germany invaded Belgium, Great Britain cited The 1839 Treaty of London which it was not legally bound to enforce unilaterally as the casus belli to declare war on Germany;
7. After the war Kaiser Wilhelm wrote in his memoirs that Freemasonry engineered the war to create a power vacuum in Central Europe, which was filled by The League of Nations. The LON was first proposed by Grey. The LoN was the child of Lord Robert Cecil, who proposed Grey's protege Sir James Eric Drummond as the Secretary General. Drummond was private secretary of Balfour when The Balfour Declaration was made to Lord Rothschild.

Now, I recognised the significance of all this and proposed in January, repeat JANUARY!!!, this year that a protest be held outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June.

So come 28th June, who turned up?






Nobody from Stop The War turned up, not even Neil Faulkner.

And this was the 100th anniversary, the centenary of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand that kicked off World War One, the war that Faulkner wrote a book about which is the official Stop The War history of World War One.

So please forgive me if I have some concern about and suspicion of Stop The War. If they can't get their history of World War One right, and amend it when much more powerful evidence is provided, then what else are they getting wrong?

Well, here's one classic example.

Last year Stop The War allowed themselves to be bullied by the spoiled petulant vain Jeremy Scahill as he threatened to withdraw from the Stop The War conference unless they dumped Mother Agnes Mariam. Scahill had made Dirty Wars, a film about Obama's drone war, which I thought was OK, but that was about it. So why would I think that? BECAUSE THERE IS A MUCH BIGGER AND MORE IMPORTANT SUBJECT TO MAKE A FILM ABOUT: 9/11 and the subsequent plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years.

So why didn't Scahill make such a film?


He believes the official 9/11 fairytale, much like Ed Snowden, but unlike Snowden, Scahill did not believe the lies of Cheney and Rumsfeld enough to sign up to go to Iraq to kill innocent Iraqis.

The evidence that The Brutish Empire and Freemasonry engineered World War One is overwhelming. Equally, the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is overwhelming.

But why would Scahill launch this very personal but very public dirty war of his own against Mother Agnes Mariam?

We don't know.

Mariam was accused by some of being pro-Assad but without evidence. However, a very good defence of Mariam is available on Global Research. Mariam could have exposed the incident at Ghouta as a false flag, an event that I predicted would happen here on this blog weeks before it happened. But for whatever reason, Stop The War allowed themselves to be bullied by Scahill and wasted a fantastic opportunity to expose Ghouta as a false flag.

So what does the NATO media think of Scahill, this alleged traitor to, and pain in the arse of, the establishment who dares to expose the drone war? THEY ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIM! Much like Owen Jones, who supported Scahill in this very bizarre episode. The Guardian and The Independent wrote fawning articles on Scahill in the week before the Stop The War conference. Yet neither of these have exposed the plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark. And Jones has written in The Independent and writes in The Guardian.

And yes, that's the same The Guardian that:
1. immediately and consistently blamed Assad for Ghouta and other atrocities in Syria, when there was ample evidence that the rebels could have done them and stood to benefit from them enormously;
2. jumped for joy when Syria agreed to relinquish its chemical weapons while not mentioning Israel's much more powerful, horrific and destructive arsenal of WMDs.

But if the anti war movement continues to push this it-was-going-to-happen-anyway theory regarding WW1 then we could see a few more wars in the future, because the true culprits of organising WW1 are still at large and living it up in Great Queen Street, London.

...I guess what I am saying in this post is that I think there is something rotten in Stop The War.

The failure of World War 1 to form a world government including the USA led to Wall Street and The City of London engineering World War 2, which resulted in the USA not only joining but also hosting The United Nations, and a host of other world governing institutions.

How can an organisation like Stop The War be so wrong on the true origins of World War 1? And when they know the true origins refuse to recognise them?

And how and why would they allow themselves to be bullied by the 9/11 gatekeeper Jeremy Scahill?

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