In an editorial The Guardian appears to express concern for the number of wars that are ongoing, but fails to mention that some are of their own making and/or encouragement.
Take Libya. The Guardian was at the front of the pack demanding war on Libya, demanding that NATO become the Jihadi Air Force to oust Colonel Gaddafi. But what does The Guardian say about Libya today?
To the south, further challenges for Europe can be anticipated on the Arab rim of the Mediterranean. Libya will be the place to watch. Four years after the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi, it is in the middle of a raging civil war. Libya is fractured, with two competing groups claiming to be the legitimate rulers: one has taken control of Tripoli, the capital; the other is based in the eastern city of Tobruk.
Libya matters to Europe not least because it is a major transit country for migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean at the risk of their lives. It also matters because of the jihadi threat as this failing state falls into further chaos. Worried about the fallout, including for the whole region of the Sahel, some African leaders are, along with France, calling for a new international intervention in Libya.
[source : Editorial, The Guardian view on 2015: there are many global uncertainties, but the crises will be interconnected, The Guardian,, 31st December 2014]
As for other ongoing crises, here is a casual mention of Syria:
...Syria’s devastating civil war,
Behind this casual reference lies some very dark manipulation which The Guardian editorial team should know about because some readers know the score and have commented about it. The truth about Syria is this: THERE IS NO CIVIL WAR!! Syria has been invaded by international cutthroat Jihadis financed by the slave economy Qatar and headchopping Saudi Arabia. Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told the plan of war and regime change on seven nations in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. But by 2007 this plan was moribund so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon, but for whatever reason they were first unleashed onto Libya, and had the full support, moral, political, military, logistical and financial, from NAYO and their allies. The aim of the war in Syria is to get a pipeline built from the Pars gas field from Qatar through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey and onto Europe to reduce Europe's dependence on Russia for energy, but Assad wants a pipeline from the Pars gas field from Iran, through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and onto Europe but not threatening Russia's customer base. That is the war in Syria right there. Can't you see the sides that have been taken? It is nothing to do with freedom, democracy and human rights. How can it be with Saudi Arabia financing it?!
And as for Ukraine, The Guardian have been portraying the neo-Nazis who ran the violent cop in Ukraine as saints, even as they burned people alive in Odessa. Ukraine is referenced thus:
But Europe won’t only be faced with internal political or financial woes. Its security continues to be at stake, with outside forces bringing more potential destabilisation. In the east, there is no knowing how far Vladimir Putin will want to push his revisionist challenge to the post-1989 European order. Moldova, as well as southern regions of Ukraine, may well become new targets. As Russia heads for a deep economic recession, there is cause to expect unrest and more external adventures.
Take a good look at this map which shows NATO expansion:

Now you tell me: who is expanding? who is being imperialist? who is being the adventurer?
My answer would be NATO.
NATO by a country mile.
NATO has expanded east like the Nazis on their march for lebensraum. I showed you that Nazism t'other day with those Nazi swastikas painted on the Russian Embassy in Kiev, and the Kiev Nazis marching behind an image of Stepan Bandera who collaborated with the Nazis, prepared the Nazi invasion of Ukraine, and is implicated in the subsequent massacres, Babi Yar being one. The people in the east of Ukraine see this Nazism and have rebelled against it.
The editorial ends thus:
Amid all the suspense, there is one certainty: in an age of great volatility and globalisation, crises will be interconnected, making it harder than ever to stand entirely aside.
On this the editorial is correct. The crises are inter-connected, because there is only one satanic force based in Wall Street and The City of London driving them all, with minor support from Tel Aviv and Riyadh, among other places of treason against the human race.
So The Guardian is today apologising for all the future wars that the warmongering, megalomaniac, kiddie-fiddling satanists are planning for us. Because as the editorial says, the warmongers will be "making it harder than ever to stand entirely aside".
Now more than ever The Stop The War Coalition needs to recognise and make known the truth about World War One, that it was our monarchy through Freemasonry that engineered all that horror in a bid to establish a world government that they would control with the USA acting as their muscle. But the USA voted out of The League of Nations, so our monarchy ordered their Wall Street Jews to finance Hitler and also collaborate with Stalin, to build both of them up ready for a longer, bloodier war which the USA would be dragged in from the start to suffer many more casualties and be persuaded that they should join a world government. Whether FDR engineered Pearl Harbor or not is for discussion, but the USA was dragged into the war from near the beginning and after four years of WW2 instead of the one year in WW1, the USA was persuaded and now houses the world government, The United Nations.
Simply telling people war is bad is boring. Everyone knows that, but the people accept it as some kind of national moral duty. For King/Queen and Country!, they cry. But if the people find out the truth about our monarchy and world war one the wars will stop almost immediately. Because the people will be chasing the monarchy out of all their many luxurious palaces and houses while they've been suffering austerity and sending their sons and daughters off to fight and die in foreign fields for that bunch of reptiles.
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