Sunday, March 06, 2016


From David Icke being a no-show on 28th June 2014 to Confederate Motormouth Jones: fake.

But at least they've got their own homes and a living.

I used to own a home. But I got my brains zapped between 1998 and 2005, so barely had any sleep during that time, and thus lost performance, and thus my job, and thus my home. I wonder why Icke and Jones have not had their brains zapped the way mine were.

And by zapped I mean, when I was just about to drift off to sleep, one of the following would occur:
1) a loud threatening noise, such as the blast of a double-barrel shot gun, or an aggressive German Shepherd barking, would go off in my head;
2) the most common was a fizzing/buzzing/clicking sound that would wake me instantly and give me palpitations (and I would frequently feel the membranes in my brain vibrating);

This would happen usually 2 or 3 times a night, but on the eve of the Iraq War in 2003 it happened almost every hour.

There was also this procedure which I called 'the head fuck', which is very hard to describe, but you can guess how that felt.

And they can also suck you out of your sleep into being awake in the middle of the night, and you can't get back to sleep.

You should try it. You lose sleep. A lot of sleep. And what happens when you lose sleep? And how can you get to sleep and remain asleep?

Seriously. Try it.

And then get betrayed.

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