Thursday, May 12, 2016


Rudy Giuliani is being mentioned as Trump's pick for chief of Homeland Security.

The author, Kurt Nimmo, rightly points out that Giuliani is a hawk, and loves the surveillance state.
Appointing Rudy Giuliani to the Department of Homeland Security would make certain the current abuses remain in place and the surveillance and police state continue to expand.

A Giuliani-led commission on terrorism would underscore the neocon rationale for endless war and destruction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

So at least Nimmo might be starting to get it: Trump is a fake.

But Giuliani also:
1. is a member of the CFR;
2. detests Iran as much as Trump;
3. loves Israel and Netanyahu as much as Trump;
4. wants much greater surveillance of all Muslims and all mosques in the USA over any other section of American society.

And so Trump's betrayal begins...

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

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