Monday, May 09, 2016


Here is Dodgy Roger Stone on The Alex Jones Show claiming that Cruz dropped out because of a photo alleged to show Cruz's father with Lee Harvey Oswald.

Now, Stone claims that the man in question is Cruz's father because Oswald's girlfriend said so?

But what of Stone's friend, and Trump's mentor and greatest friend, Roy Cohn who sat on the board of Permindex, which was created by MI6/Mossad officer Bloomfield, actually running the whole plot against JFK?

And not just the JFK assassination but also the attempted assasination of Charles de Gaulle?

So let's just look at this shit in a bit more detail.

Trump ally, and 'former' fixer for Trump, Dodgy Roger Stone, who fixed it for George W Bush to grab The White House to enable the PNAC wars after 9/11, and who also fixed it for Wall Street to fuck the global economy and enable fascist austerity to be imposed on hundreds of millions to bail out a handful of bankers, accuses Ted Cruz's father of being implemented in the assassination of JFK because of a grainy blurry photo and a 'confession' by Oswald's girlfriend (under how much duress?)

But that same Dodgy Roger Stone, despite working for Trump, nor indeed blood-drinking Confederate General Alex Jones, does not bring to anyone's attention that Stones's former colleague, and Trump's mentor and greatest friend Roy Cohn, with all his mob ties, sat on the board of Permindex, which Charles de Gaulle accused of trying to kill him, but which is also implicated in the assassination of JFK.

In other words, why would Stone accuse Cruz'z father with a grainy blurry photo but not mention that his former colleague and the mentor of Trump sat on the board of the company implicated in the assassinations of both JFK and Charles de Gaulle?

And why would Alex Jones challenge Stone on this?

My answer would be: because one works for a different faction of the CIA than the other.

So how do we know that the faction that Stone/Trump/Jones work for is any better?

We don't!

Trump wants to destabilise the Middle East and support Israel.

Trump wants to blame for the economic woes of the USA, and deport, millions of Hispanics and build a wall to stop them re-entering the USA, instead of clamping down on Wall Street.


This is what Infowhores fail to grasp and understand:

The only reason why Trump became so successful, and why they hold him up as a shining light of capitalism, is because Trump's mentor Roy Cohn was a right dodgy fucker, who procured children for abuse by a CIA satanic cult, and his lifelong assocation with the mob.

And the kind of mentality that believes in that 'success' is the same kind of mentality that loves peeping toms.

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