Wednesday, May 11, 2016



Trump must be an insider now.

Not only do we have Trump's lawyer, mentor, fixer and "greatest friend", Roy Cohn as the mob's lawyer, and top level rabidly anti-Communist CIA and FBI agent who procured children for abuse by CIA satanic cults and for entrapment rings to collect blackmail material, as well directing the assassination bureau Permnindex, we now have Trump buying Resorts International, a CIA-mob-Rockefeller-Rothschild gambling empire masquerading as a front for money laundering by the CIA/mob.

In 1963, Mary Carter Paint spun off its paint division and during the next several years began developing its casino operations, particularly in the Bahamas. In 1967-68, Mary Carter Paint officially changed its name to Resorts International and began massive international expansion. The Spotlight determined that several principal investors provided the funds and assets for the venture:

• Meyer Lansky, the acknowledged “chairman of the board” and chief financier of the underworld gambling syndicate, who maintained his own longstanding ties to not only Israel and the Mossad, but also the CIA and the American intelligence community;

• David Rockefeller, head of the Rockefeller financial empire, who provided his family’s clout and CIA and global banking connections to assist in the operation;

• The Investors Overseas Service (IOS), then the world’s largest flight-capital conglomerate, controlling assets worth $2.5 billion.

• Tibor Rosenbaum, who was not only the Mossad’s Swiss-based chief financier behind covert arms deals but also the head of the Banque De Credit Internationale of Geneva, the Lansky syndicate’s chief European money laundry; and

• Baron Edmond de Rothschild of the European banking family and a personal business partner of Rosenbaum in Rosenbaum’s Mossad-related ventures ranging far and wide; and lastly,

• William Mellon Hitchcock, one of the heirs to the Mellon family fortune (one of America’s largest private family fortunes, which, for many years, has also maintained close ties with the CIA).

Resorts International expanded by leaps and bounds and soon became one of the most profitable of all the gambling enterprises, and by 1970 the underworld figures who were running the casinos (in league with their behind-the-scenes partners) began moving to expand casino gambling in the United States.

Mob chief Lansky called a high-level meeting of gambling syndicate figures in Acapulco, Mexico and there the assembled mobsters pinpointed the fading resort of Atlantic City as their first new target. (Prior to that time, of course, the mob had already established Nevada as the only outpost of legalized gambling on U.S. soil.)

In the wake of this meeting, the resources of Resorts International were used (publicly and privately) to begin the lobbying campaign that resulted in the legalizing of gambling in Atlantic City and once the New Jersey legislature opened up the Garden State, Resorts moved in.

In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.

Trump soon became a household name, with his colorful personality and his insistence upon naming a variety of luxury hotels, apartment houses and other commercial ventures after himself. But while the name “Trump” appeared in the headlines, the names of the real movers behind Resorts International remained hidden from public view.

[source : Who Towers Behind Trump?, American Free Press,, 28th September 2015]

NB Tibor Rosenbaum was involved in Permindex.

So did Trump, wittingly or unwittingly, become the acceptable public face of a mob-CIA money laundering network of casinos?

This adventure with the Rothschilds, CIA and the mob turned into the farce we know as Trump Taj Mahal, which led to Trump facing financial ruin and personal bankruptcy.

But who stepped in to save Trump?

Yaaarp. Alan Greenspan.

So what have the Rothschilds/CIA/mob asked of Trump in return for not taking Trump for swim wearing concrete boots in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?

And does this help explain why Chris Christie has somehow become Trump's poodle? Resorts International was the first legal casino in the USA outside of Nevada, and was built in Atlantic City, New Jersey.


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