Thursday, March 14, 2019


It looks like Captain Pervert's new venture is going to build an archive of his works, written and visual. Whether that visual bit will include all his appearances on all shows, such as that of his Zionist bumboy Ezra Levant of Rebel, we have yet to discover.

But think about this: 10 years ago in 2009 Infowars was reaching its peak in terms of exposing the perps behind all terror and in particular 9/11. It was around that time too that Captain Pervert was writing articles strongly opposing war on Iran.

This new archive that Captain Pervert is about to create will concentrate all his work over the years in one place.

So his sell-out to the extreme rightist Zionist warmongering network that did 9/11 and runs paedophile networks will be documented by himself and it will all be in one place, easily and readily accessible to everyone.

This new venture could be his undoing.

That is, if he doesn't censor what goes into the archive...

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