Friday, May 03, 2019


Over 2 years ago Google started to implement censorship algorithms. TTS was a victim. Traffic to TTS was cut by at least 80%. Some other genuine left-leaning anti-war websites suffered similar treatment. The only ones to speak out were those suffering this censorship. Infowars were far more concerned about promoting Donald "Nobody loves Israel more and is more to loyal to Israel than me" Trump.

A year later (last year) there was some censorship of rightist websites. There was outrage encouraged by the MSM. Traffic to U S Military Intelligence asset Infowars was falling. But after the 'ban'? Even Wall Street/Zionist/U S Military Intelligence asset President Donald Trump expressed outrage.

And once again we see the same old trick: it's OK to censor genuine left-leaning anti-war websites; but not OK to censor extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence websites.

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