Thursday, May 09, 2019


Ten years ago he was overtly writing articles against war on Iran.

Today, after working for U S Military Intelligence asset Infowars for years as Editor, he's soft-selling war on Iran.


1. no more articles against war on Iran (and in fact may well have deleted those previous articles against war on Iran);
2. no more attacks on John Bolton, who he named a "mentally unstable maniac";
3. barely any criticism of Saudi Arabia, who he named "a cancer on the world" and he knows did 9/11 and is behind the international cutthroat Jihadis (or at least made a fortune from giving this impression);
4. feigns support for Tulsi Gabbard, to give the appearance of being anti-war;
5. but now posts anti-Iran stuff, when he knows Iran didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the US/UK/Israel/Saudi-controlled international cutthroat Jihadis.

So it's not loud, overt demands for war on Iran, but the opposition that was there 10 years ago is not being expressed, there is silence on John Bolton and the Saudis, and the promotion of, "Well, if there is to be a war on Iran then at least after the war the women will be able to take their hijabs off, so that's OK, coz Islam, blah, blah, blah".

There has been an invasion of the U S Military Intelligence body snatchers at Infowars.

And like the good little U S Military Intelligence body snatcher, now he's trying to replace me by manipulating others.

But when did that manipulation begin? 2014? 2015?

U S Military Intelligence propagandist, who orders others to delete their accounts.

Wakey, wakey!

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