Saturday, May 04, 2019


Capatain Pervert found it "very cool" to be retweeted by traitor Trump.

But Trump's "greatest friend" was Roy Cohn, who ran paedophile networks for the CIA.

Trump would phone Cohn at least 10 times a day.

Trump also saluted the rotting corpse of the Godfather of the Confederacy, President Andrew Jackson, and quickly hung a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office, along with installing a bust of British imperialist Winston Churchill. Trump is continuing the war in Yemen simply for business, i.e. selling weapons to the head-chopping Saudis who did 9/11. If Obama was doing this Watson would be slaughtering Obama. But coz fellow U S Military Intelligence asset Trump? Tumbleweeds.

Watson also wrote a half-decent book about who did 9/11, and blamed the New World Order and their intels. Turns out he has willingly and wittingly sold out to that same network!

If Captain Pervert is happy with all this then leave him to drown in his own faeces.

It's too late to turn back now.

Watson is Faustus.

Note in the following song, the guy sings about being in love with this gal who he phones 10 times a day, just like Trump phoned Cohn.

What was going on between homosexual Cohn and Trumop?

Well, I would argue that Cohn's ultra Zionist network lives on and got Trump elected.

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