Sunday, May 05, 2019


Danielle Ryan seems to have become a fave of RT.

She's recently posted on RT about the freedom of speech of Alex Jones, etc due to Facebook.

But where does Russia rank in the freedom of speech rankings?

In the bottom 20%.

How many Russian journalists have been murdered or silenced since Putin and his puppet Medvedev came to power?

Putin has basically followed the Zionist PNAC script since 9/11.

But the problem is also that some of these Zionist clowns, like Jones, Watson and Milo Whathisface, is that for years they have been ordering others to delete their accounts, i.e. shut up, and with CIA/Confederate/U S Military Intelligence pervert Jones it's also denying his ex-wife Kelly her free speech.

If you go around ordering others to delete their accounts and deny them their free speech then don't be outraged if your account/free speech is deleted, particularly when it's provided for free.

TTS was seriously censored by Google 2 years ago. Traffic to TTS was cut by a least 80% virtually overnight. Infowars said zero. Instead they promoted Trump of the Cohn/Stone/CIA network which is the same network I was and still am exposing.

So why is RT publishing this by Ryan when journalism in Russia is so controlled and oppressive? Why is Russia promoting Jones, Watson, Milo and all the other Zionist 'journalists' while arresting and 'silencing'? many Russian journalists

Why does Ryan not address the simple and plain fact that in 2011 at the UNSC, by abstaining, Russia and China allowed the war on Libya which led to the war on Syria via the Saudi-Israeli-UK Jihadis? Because at the top it's just one global mafia: selling weapons; exporting death; advancing the Zionist agenda.

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