Wednesday, May 08, 2019


And those wretched stinking demons are Ezra Levant and Roger Stone.

Levant organised a rally in Calgary in summer 2014 in support of Israel's infanticide in Gaza that year. Approximately 500 children were murdered by Israel. Watson initially expressed some weak opposition to this infanticide. Turns out that coz Zionist Trump, Ezra and Paul are now very, very, very good 'friends'.

Here they are together. Sweet, ain't it?

Stone enabled 9/11 by organising a riot in Florida during the 2000 election. That riot stopped a recount which gave Florida to George W Bush, who was controlled and surrounded by founding and senior members of PNAC. 9/11 was allowed to happen and PNAC got their wars via W. Stone also knobbled Eliot Spitzer who was investigating Wall Street's corrupt practices just before the 2007/8 global financial crisis, which was driven by Wall Street's corrupt practices. Stone was very close to Roy Cohn, the deep dark Zionist CIA agent who ran paedophile networks for the CIA. Stone and Cohn were that close that they were homosexual lovers, according to EIR/LPAC. Trump and Cohn were also the greatest of friends.

Here's Paul and Roger. Sweet, innit?

Who'd want to have Watson as a friend when he has friends like these? Supporters of infanticide and enablers of decades of war and global austerity. But when you sell out to Satan these are the wretched stinking demons you become close to and their putrid stench clings to you so much that you can never, ever, ever wash it off.

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