Monday, March 29, 2021


There could be an empah being formed by ready-for-the-abbatoir Infowars and David Icke media empires, both of whom are opposed to me. Why? Because I am a threat to their income stream.

Infowars is bona fide extreme right Zionist U S Military Intelligence. And Icke still flogs himself on Infowars.

They think we are on the same side. But we are not. Infowars sold out to the perps of 9/11 and run paedo networks. Icke clings onto them to build a media empah for his talentless, gobshite far-right son Garth who mocks victims of crime.

I have described to you the solar dynamo and sun spots.

That's why I am a threat to them.

Alex Jones' family established the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836, and then fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to defend negro slavery. Jones even bragged to his ex-wife Kelly that his family also founded the Texas branch of the Ku Klux Klan!! Jones now terrorises his own daughter by buzzing her in a low-flying helicopter after she decided to live with her mother Kelly and not with him.

And still darrft auld prrrick David Icke defends and supports psycho Confederate Alex Jones.

Why? Publicity? Money? Bungs?

David Icke is not the son of god. He is a publicity-seeking charlatan who may be a false prophet. For if he really was the true Son of God bringing in a done deal then he would not need to resort to crime. But he has resorted to crime. Hence his talentless gobshite son Garth mocked me when my sister's house was professionally burgled.

All that the Icke-Jones-Watson Empah are interested in is money. They make money like Bill Gates: by generating fear. That they know what is going on, that it's bad, and only they know the answer. But it'll cost you.

I, on the other hand, tell you here for free.

And that is what terrifies bona fide U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars and their clingers-on the Ickes.

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