Sunday, April 17, 2022


The day after the referendum a furious Webster Tarpley suggested that Brexit was about freeing The City of London from EU banking and financial regulation so that the City of London would become the banker of the Renminbi while the City of London attacked and weakened the Euro and the U S Dollar.

Today I have provided evidence that supports this.

The Renminbi is becoming more powerful against the Pound, the Euro and the U S Dollar.

The Pound is also becoming more powerful than the Euro but has been weakening in the last year against the U S Dollar after gaining after formal Brexit.

And if you have searched on "City London Renminbi" you should have been provided many reports that The City of London is becoming the banker of the Renminbi. NB The U S Dollar has strengthened against the Pound under Biden.

So Tarpley getting 5 out of 6 correct is pretty accurate.

Conclusion : Tarpley was right about Brexit (and he should now be a multi billionaire from speculating on the foreign exchange markets).

So I'll ask again : would current events be occuring if Brexit had not occured? 

And wouldn't it be shameful of any pro-Brexiteer making money from this?

Coz if they got rich after making such a monumental error...


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