Wednesday, June 15, 2022


The former President and Prime Minister of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, stated in November 2007 that the intels around the world know for a fact that Israel did 9/11.

Before this the former chief of NATO forces in Europe, General Wesley Clark, had written and stated in talks that Zionists in the Pentagon had planned war and regime change in 7 countries in 5 years after 9/11: Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Bush started those wars in 2003 by invading Iraq.

Under Bush Israel waged war on Lebanon.

Obama continued those wars in Libya (and was allowed to by Russia and China abstaining at the UNSC vote for war on Libya).

After Libya Obama then continued those wars in Syria, but this time Russia intervened to assist Syria in the destruction of ISIS which had been exposed by Genral Flynn as a covert operation of the USA.

But Obama also refrained from the long-planned war on Iran, for which he was demonised.

Trump tried to start war on Iran by the outrageously provocative assassination of General Soleimani.

Now Israel is encouraging Biden to continue and conclude that series of wars through a military coalition led by the USA and consisting of Arab states with Israel at the rear.


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