Sunday, June 05, 2022


During the 19th Century The United States of America was becoming a huge threat and rival to the British Empire.

At first the British attempted to destroy the USA by dividing the USA into 2 parts: north and south. The issue decided upon was slavery, British agent Andrew Jackson became the Godfather of the Confederacy by driving native American tribes from their ancestral lands in soon-to-be Confederate states to make way for huge plantations to be worked by slaves. The British then sent in their top agent Giuseppe Mazzini to campaign against slavery through his Young America organisation. Confederate states seceded over slavery (not a tariff) and the subsequent US Civil War divided America for 4 years. Abraham Lincoln, who was not entirely anti-slavery, saw the scam to divide the Union and fought against it and won, and was assassinated by a British plot in revenge.

So the economy of the USA continued to rival and then surpass the British Empire. And not only that, nations such as Germany and Russia began to work with the USA in an anti-British pact. Railways were built inland far from the reach of the supreme British Navy. These rail networks enabled trade between nations beyond the control of the British.

So the British through their Freemasonic networks began to engineer a world war from which they would emerge victorious and rulers of the world through a world government under their control.

Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria knew that Freemasonry wanted him dead. And Masonic publications had stated their desire for his death. Ferdinand wanted peace in Europe. At the trial of Ferdinand's assassins the role of Freemasonry was exposed.

During his last years as King, Edward VII (who was also Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England) engineered a series of treaties which during a war on the continent would encircle Germany.

During the 37 days between the assassination and the outbreak of war, the British manipulated both Russia and Germany into mobilising for war. As the most powerful empire in the world everyone looked towards the British to see what they would do. King George V of Great Britain told Germany that the British would not join in any war on the continent. This gave Germany a green light for war, so Germany began to mobilise, dusting off the plans for simultaneous war against France and Russia. This then encouraged Russia to mobilise, leading to the series of Willy-Nicky telegrams between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II.

Eventually, seeing no opposition from Great Britain, Germany invaded Belgium. But as soon as this occured King George V ordered Sir Edward Grey to get Britain into the war, which Grey did by using The Treaty of London 1839 which Britain did not need to enforce unilaterally.

Thus The British Monarchy and their agents engineered and kicked off World War 1. During the war the nations of Central Europe were decimated, and a Communist revolution run by Britain and the USA booted out the Romanovs.

After the war Britain worked to establish a world government, The League of Nations, under their control. Sir Edward Grey tried to convince the USA that they should join this world government, but the USA refused and that world government the British wanted withered away.

WW2 was basically a repeat of WW1, but this time The United Nations became the de facto world government, with organisations such as The World Health Organisation now taking global decisions on your health.

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