Sunday, October 23, 2022


As the virus rampaged across the world during 2020 the Ickes claimed that 5G was causing the excess deaths that were attributed to the virus. This claim led to vandalism, physical assaults and death threats. David Icke was correctly banned from some social media. But despite this the Ickes continued their bogus claim throughout 2020 and 2021.

If they had heeded my advice, dropped their bogus 5G claims and looked elsewhere for the true cause(s) of the excess deaths then the whole scam could have been exposed in 2020 and the roll-out of the killer vaccines stopped befor the first injection of the Pfizer vaccine on 8th December 2020 (aka David Icke Instant Karma Day).

But one large mainstream media looked at the other causes. That was The Daily Mail who in July 2020 reported on the excessive use and demand for Midazolam for victims of the virus.

The Ickes, claiming to be the Sons of God, somehow missed this report and continued their incorrect 5G claims for the rest of 2020 and 2021.

It was not until December 2021 when the Ickes caught up with the mainstream media and looked at Midazolam.

But today the Ickes have a headline:

Midazolam Used on Death Row and Ventilated ‘Covid’ Patients Under Controversy (Bit plate but welcome all the same)

The point is this: the Ickes finally caught up with the mainstream media in December 2021, but by then it was too late. Tens of millions of Brits had by then been jabbed with killer gunge.

Thus the Ickes have oceans of blood on their hands.

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