Thursday, March 23, 2023


The war in Ukraine is slowly becoming the perfect war.

The major militaries in the world are being dragged or dragging themselves into the war, as NATO sides with Ukraine and China sides with Russia. Large stockpiles of military equipment, possibly obsolete, are being used and destroyed and will need replacing thus giving the Military-Industrial-Complex a bonanza to supply new set of shinier deadlier military toys.

If depleted uranium is being used then the food supply, from plant and animal, in and from Ukraine will be toxic virtually forever. Ukraine, once labeled the bread basket of the world, will be no more. But who will take its place?

Nuclear war is now closer than ever. Russia threatens to drown the UK. FEAR! FEAR! FEAR!

And all this just as people of the world realise what a scam the last 3 years has been.

It's almost too perfick to be true.

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