Friday, January 19, 2024


Alex is corrupt by protecting the British project we know as The Confederate States of America.

His hero Andrew Jackson was the Godfather of the Confederacy.

Jackson was a British agent: he assisted traitor Aaron Burr after Burr had assassinated Hamilton because Hamilton had exposd Burr's treason; he began the forced removal of Native Americans so that their ancestral lands could be sold off to planters who built plantations worked by slaves; he destroyed the Second Bank of the United States which was rapidly financing the United States into a rival of the British Empire.

Alex's ancestors worked for and with Jackson.

They also fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to preserve slavery.

They had earlier rebelled against Mexico because Mexico had banned slavery, so they created The Republic of Texas in 1836 which had one of the most racist and slavery-loving constitutions anywhere in the world. 

If God really was working through Alex, and there really was an awakening, Alex would be exposing all this and apologising.

But he's not.

Instead he tells us to ignore Israel, thus protecting Israel's planned ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Alex has stated that he was brought up to love Israel. Indeed I have posted a video several times of Alex expressing his support for Israel.

Alex has also admitted that Infowars is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset.

After 9/11 the U S Military went to war for Israel, even though Israel did 9/11!

See how it works?

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