Sunday, March 24, 2024


Late December 2000 I woke up one morning, and went downstairs to open the curtains in the living room.

And there it was: this irregular, inverted and incomplete pentagram had been drawn in the fresh snow on my car.

All other cars in the street were untouched.

Except my car, which had this deeply satanic symbol drawn on it.

Besides this:

  1. I was seriously zapped between summer 1998 and spring 2005, and this zapping virtually stopped once I was told I was being made redundant;
  2. there were at least 2 failed abduction attempts of me in 1997 and 1998;
  3. a huge shard of broken glass left on the raised doorstep;
  4. stalked and secret surveillance deployed against me, and shooting or throwing soft matter at my window at night, possibly to entice me outside into the dark when I could be abducted;
  5. emails, texts and post interfered with;
  6. and then professionally burgled in 2018, for which Garth Icke mocked me.

  Garth Icke was apparently called a few names when he was a kid because of his daddy.

So forgive me if I 110% believe that Da Ickez organised crime family are total frauds of the lowest order, which is why their spirit guides abandoned them in 2020.


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