Thursday, July 11, 2024


Alex Jones is currently slagging off The Democrat Party.

But his hero, slaveholder, the Godfather of The Confederacy and British agent, Andrew Jackson played a major role in the origins of The Democrat Party. His supporters founded the party.

Alex is currently promoting Donald J Trump.

Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn who ran paedophile networks for the CIA. Cohn worked tirelessly to promote Israel in the USA. Trump loves Israel. Israel did 9/11, and employed Jeffrey Epstein to collect blackmail material (which nay explain why Israel is brazenly levelling The Gaza Strip with very little protest from the EU and USA political classes).

All I'm saying is that Alex has admitted that Infowars is part of a U S Military Intelligence propaganda network.

And where were U S Military Intelligence on 9/11? AWOL.

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