Saturday, February 26, 2011


There is a legal concept in UK law called due diligence.

The banks have not shown due diligence.

They went on their derivatives gambling spree without due diligence.

The failed spectacularly in that rampage.

We bailed the ********* out.

As a result millions will lose their jobs (not immediately but over a period of years), and many old, sick and/or disabled will die from denial of service from the NHS due to cuts in services, i.e. to pay for the bailouts of the Nazi banks, or from assisted suicide due to direct or indirect pressure from relatives implying that such old, sick and disabled people are a burden on society and their families while we suffer severe austerity while we unnecessarily pay the gambling debts of the Nazi banks.

The Nazi banks were able to cause so much trauma because they can create non-existent money out of nothing. The legal definition of money is corrupt, and has been for decades. But they have not old you.

They can tell you about the Poisson distribution in mathematics or the Cultural Revolution in history. But where our money comes from remains a secret, unless you study economics at university, and even then it is not fully explained.

So let it go forth from this time and place in cyberspace:

the banks create non-existent money out of thin air!

So the question to ask your MP is this:

Old Age Pensioners have been sent to jail for not paying their outrageous Council Tax bills. Yet despite all the severe austerity measures being, and to be, imposed on the innocent and unsuspecting muggins British taxpayer after the British government, without any legal or moral obligation to do so, assumed the gambling debts of a cabal of Nazi banks, not one member of the senior management of those same Nazi banks has been prosecuted for any crime whatsoever?

But more importantly, why do those same banks retain the power to create non-existent money out of nothing for the economy, when our own sovereign government of the people, by the people and for the people, could employ the exact same simple science of money creation and type a few numbers into a computer and create trillions to get the economy moving, building infrastructure, employing engineers and teachers, instead of killing old and sick people?

Explain yourselves, you corrupt wrteches!!

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