Thursday, February 24, 2011


It would make sense that Pastor Williams, having inside sources from within the oil industry, can accurately reveal future events related to oil.

But just how 'inside' are his sources?

When asked if Russia was in on the plan Williams could not say. But it is interesting that Kissinger is accused of arranging the current events in the late 1970's with China and the double cross of the oil rich nations of the Middle East, that Russia has agreed to supply China with its fossil fuel needs, when it was Kissinger himself who made that personal trip to Russia a few months after the Litvinenko poisoning. We still do not know what was discussed at that meeting. It is also interesting that Russia has recently agreed a couple of interesting oil and gas deals with a few of the Bilderberg oil companies.

It was also interesting that Williams stated several times that agents of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt were demanding that they invade Israel and kill the Jews. This would, of course, satisfy the Pike war between Muslims and Jews. So this could imply that after the Arabs realise they have been double crossed and plug their oil that they all attack Israel, so that the USA then opens its own sources of fossil fuel, and China has Russian sources, and they use the localised regional but still violent and bloody war between the Jews and the Muslims to call for more global governance and police state laws as extremists from both sides commit terror attacks in their nations of residence?

I am wondering, if Williams' sources are not in the inner circle but are in the fourth or fifth outer circle, that they are part of a compartmentalised plan, in that they know alot more than the ordinary man and woman on the street but do not know the full plan, and may have been told a few things to encourage them to go along with the plan, with those in the inner circle knowing that those things will not come to pass.

The power switch from the USA to China and back to the USA sounds very intriguing. Will China relinquish the position of being the only superpower once the USA has recovered, if that is indeed the plan? And if China does not relinquish that position then will the USA take it back by force? How long is this transition supposed to take?

When and under what circumstances will the one world government and one world currency be introduced?

If a world government is to be introduced quietly then will the entities of 'the USA' and 'China' still exist at that time of power transition, and if not then what would be the purpose of passing power from 'the USA' to 'China' and back to 'the USA'?

And how will the mass depopulation and global eugenics plan be implemented?

Hopefully these events will not come to pass, as we continue the resistance.

But you cannot deny the quality and reliability of the information related to oil.

The more you know, the less you know.

But it is fascinating!

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