Tuesday, July 23, 2013


In reaction to Der Fuhrer David Jihadi Cameron's announcement yesterday of a clampdown on online pornography, to allegedly protect children,
the former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP), Jim Gamble, said Mr Cameron’s plan to tackle child abuse images by removing results from search engines like Google would be “laughed at” by paedophiles.

“There are 50,000 predators...downloading abusive images on peer-to-peer, not from Google,” he said. “Yet from CEOP intelligence only 192 were arrested last year. That’s simply not good enough.

“We’ve got to attack the root cause, invest with new money, real investment in child protection teams, victim support and policing on the ground. Let’s create a real deterrent. Not a pop-up that paedophiles will laugh at.”

[source : Online porn ban: David Cameron retreats in war on internet porn, admitting there will be 'problems down the line' amid debate over censorship , The Independent, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/online-porn-ban-david-cameron-retreats-in-war-on-internet-porn-admitting-there-will-be-problems-down-the-line-amid-debate-over-censorship-8726991.html, 22nd July 2013]

Yes. Exactly.

And whenever a paedo is arrested he (or she) is frequently let off with nothing more than a slapped wrist, and any custodial sentence is usually insignificant.

What did CEOP have to say in response to Der Fuhrer?
“Anything which helps stop the distribution of this material or deters those who feed the market by accessing it online can only be a good thing and, working with the world’s leading technology companies like Microsoft, Google and Facebook, we’re ready to hear their ideas on other ways to stop illegal child abuse material being viewed online, and to support their work.

“But let’s not be blinded to the fact that our work is not just about stopping people from accessing the images that already exist on the internet. We need to continue our work on stopping them from being produced and distributed in the first place by catching child sex offenders and safeguarding children to stop them suffering more horrendous abuse.

[source : CEOP Statement Following Prime Minister's Speech, CEOP, http://ceop.police.uk/Media-Centre/Press-releases/2013/CEOP-Statement-Following-Prime-Ministers-Speech/, 22nd July 2013]

Microsoft? Google? Facebook? In other words, Cameron's friends at Bilderberg!

But what has happened to the budget of CEOP to help pay for bailing out the banks? Yup. The financial aid from the government given to CEOP is being cut by 10% over three years 2012 to 2015.

Meanwhile, the money being 'saved' by cutting CEOP's budget is being given to NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum in Syria to cut the throats of children, and to train and advise children how to decapitate unarmed pro-Assad prisoners, and perhaps how to become a cannibal.

Der Fuhrer has his priorities all wrong.

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