Wednesday, March 05, 2014


In her microrant against Russia's actions in Ukraine, RT reporter Abby Martin used phrases like, "military intervention" and "aggression".

There is no military intervention or aggression from Russia in Ukraine. This is why nobody has died, and 2 days ago NATO media had to invent a threat when they reported that Russia had issued an ultimatum to Ukrainian troops to surrender or face an assault. This was quickly dismissed by Russia. And surprise, surprise, no assault took place.

Ukraine just suffered a violent fascist coup, executed by neo-Nazi Hitler-worshipping thugs, supported by Hague, Ashton, Kerry, McCain and lots of other EU and US politicians, who ransacked and burned government buildings and murdered policemen. The United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and wife of rabid neocon Robert Kagan the founder of PNAC, Victoria Nuland has admitted that the United States has spent $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine. In 2004 a similar coup was attempted in Ukraine financed by the National Endowment for Democracy, George Soros and Boris Berezovsky. Soros was a Nazi collaborator in his youth.

In other words, Ukraine is under attack from neo-Nazis. They are now in charge of the military, police, intelligence and justice apparatus in Ukraine. They are already expressing their Russophobia in banning the Russian language.

I wonder if she was being assaulted by neo-Nazis herself whether she would want someone to come to her rescue?

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