Tuesday, January 13, 2015


When you investigate the 'people' who control our money supply and government you will find this strange mix of world government and fascism.

Six years ago we bailed out the banks with over one trillion pounds. As a result we, the muggins British taxpayer, are suffering brutal austerity.

Now that austerity is leading to death.

Health officials are investigating a “statistically significant, sustained” decline in life expectancy among elderly people in some parts of England, amid warnings that cuts to social care and pressures on the NHS may be contributing to earlier deaths.

Public Health England said it was scrutinising life expectancy trends following an alert from a council in the North-west of England warning it was “likely” that in many parts of the region “older people (over 85) are no longer living longer”.

[source : Alarm at surprise fall in life expectancy amid fears that cuts and pressure on NHS may be to blame for earlier deaths, The Independent, http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/alarm-at-surprise-fall-in-life-expectancy-amid-fears-that-cuts-and-pressure-on-nhs-may-be-to-blame-for-earlier-deaths-9973848.html, 12th January 2015]

This should be read wiht reports that DWP sanctions are leading to deaths of the disabled.

This is the arrogant behaviour of unashamed Nazis: kill the old and disabled for the sake of a Nazi few.

My grandfathers didn't invade France on the beaches of Normandy for this Nazism!!!

Did yours?

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