Monday, April 27, 2015


If you send someone several reports about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, believing (and trusting) that they could and would want to help, but despite 2 years of writing, asking, and pleading, and begging that they help and you don't hear a peep from them, not even one single question, what do you think would happen if I asked again?

Can you see a bleedin' obvious pattern?

I ask and ask and ask and get nothing, despite (sort of) predicting Ghouta, predicting Israel's barbaric war on Gaza, and standing like the complete humiliated fool outside Freemasons Hall on the 100th anniversary of the Freemasonic assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand?

Should I give it another try?

Is it worth asking one more time?

Or not bother ever, ever again, recognising the bleedin' obvious pattern of ignorance?

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