Oh, yeah? Are those the same Jihadis you unleashed onto Libya and Syria who have morphed into Islamic State?
Sawers was head of MI6 between 1st November 2009 and 1st November 2014, i.e. the period when Great Britain was organising the pipelines to smuggle Jihadis into Syria, then unleashing Jihadis onto Libya and Syria, to take out Gaddafi and Assad. But as John says, they failed him.

So let's get this straight, John. You used cutthroat Jihadis to take out Gaddafi and Assad, and now you are turning them on us?
Please. Save me! I beg you! Here. Take all my rights.
The former head of M16 has warned that it is just a matter of time before terrorists hit the West and claimed Britain would no longer be able to safeguard another massive event like the Olympics.
...He said: 'We were pretty confident that the London Olympics would be terrorism-free. And thanks to a lot of hard work, it was.
'I don't think you could be quite so confident now if the London Olympics were in 2016, for example.'
Sir John said the way terrorists carry out their heinous attacks has changed drastically since the emergence of ISIS.
'They're not trying to fly airliners into buildings. They're doing simpler things,' he said.
...He cited examples such as the massacre at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January, which saw brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi force their way into the building and kill 11 employees and another man, a police officer, outside the building.
He said as an intelligence service these sort of attacks are a lot harder to prevent.
However, Sir John added, he does not believe the migrants currently fleeing to the West from war-torn countries like Syria pose a terror threat as the vast majority are genuine refugees.
He said his biggest concern is young people from Europe becoming radicalised and joining terror groups like ISIS, adding the only way to prevent this is to encourage a better relationship between intelligence services and Muslim communities.
[source : Terrorists WILL hit the West and UK would not be able to safeguard another Olympics, warns former MI6 chief Sir John Sawers, Daily Mail, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3232834/UK-not-safeguard-Olympics-warns-former-MI6-chief.html, 13th September 2015]
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