When Spanish immigrants landed in South America, what eventually happened? The natives were slaughtered.
When English immigrants landed at Jamestown, what eventually happened? A whole continent of native Americans were virtually wiped out.
The immigrant Founding Fathers can be found and worshipped at Mount Rushmore, which was named after Charles E Rushmore, a Freemason. And don't worry, the men who carved the faces into

The immigrant Founding Fathers brought with them other immigrants, but these others were forcefully brought over from Africa and brutally used as slaves. Some of these white immigrants were so in love with slavery that even though outnumbered at least 4 to 1, and having only a rural economy with virtually no manufacturing base, they went to war to defend their white supremacy and their freedom to keep slaves. The USA can truly be called a nation of immigrants, with the native Americans quietly forgotten and tucked away on a reservation somewhere, having been forced or tricked into giving up their lands, and now scraping out a life based on gambling or flogging their heritage as a freak show.
Take this man, for example.

He is descended from German and Scottish, i.e. white, immigrants to the USA.
This could be down to the media, but Trump's main policy seems to be, "Kick out the immigrants!".
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