Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Williams is the daughter of Vera Brittain, a nurse during WW1, and George Catlin, an 'intellectual' who somehow found himself in the Fabian circle of H G Wells, the director of British Intelligence in WW1 and who also plotted to split the Independent Labour Party into two factions, one which would be from the original party and oppose the coming WW1, and one very much in favour of WW1. As director of British Intelligence, Wells was instrumental in all sorts of nefarious scheming in favour of the British Empah, and must be viewed not as an intelligent human being but more of a possessed demon organising armageddon to herald a satanic world government run by the British Empah.

But as stated above, Williams' mother was a nurse during WW1. She actually cared for German injured personnel.

Williams has attended Bilderberg, TWICE, and kept her mouth shut on what the outcomes were. Besides this betrayal, here is how Williams has betrayed her mother, Vera Brittain.

Baroness Shirley Williams - who claimed to have protected the principle of an NHS “free at the point of need” during the passage of the Health & Social Care Act - suggests today that “There might be a case for at least considering a nominal charge for GP appointments...It might get people to value the service.”

She adds that “You could also have a nominal charge for prescriptions for older people, with appropriate exemptions. An awful lot of people do actually have quite substantial pensions in addition to the state pension.”

[source : Shirley Williams suggests new NHS charges, Open Democracy,, 4th July 2013]

Er, narrp, Shirley.

What you do is make the service “free at the point of need”, and stop bombing the shit out of nations which eventually leads to Islamic State!!

You sirry iriot.

You really need to look at your Atlanticist father a lot more!!!

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