Thursday, January 07, 2016


This has been going on for years.


Because, as reported by Seymour Hersh in March 2007 in The Redirection, the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia had agreed that the latter would unleash the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

The Independent has today reported that at least five Jihadis were able to leave the UK for Syria despite being on bail or subject to travel bans.

Michael Adebalajo, the murderer of Lee Rigby, despite being under surveillance by MI5, was allowed to preach Jihad against President Bashar al Assad and encourage Jihadis to go to Syria.

At least five prominent British Islamists linked to the same extremist group frequented by the man suspected of being the new “Jihadi John” executioner left the UK in the last 20 months despite being on bail or subject to travel bans.

Records show that the five men, three of whom have since been killed in drone or air strikes in Syria and Pakistan, all succeeded in evading exit checks despite being on watch lists or having surrendered their passports to the authorities.

[source : UK allows five Islamists linked to same extremist group as 'new Jihadi John' suspect Siddhartha Dhar to slip out of country, The Independent,, 6th January 2016]

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