Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Donald Trump is on the verge of becoming President of the United States of America.

So what, you may ask, perhaps with a wry grin?

Trump? With that daft wig? That buffoon who came up with the phrase, "you're fired"? Good. I hope so, then we might all get to shag his missus!!

This is how men (and perhaps some women) in the UK think of Trump: successful as a businessman and surrounded by beautiful women.

That's the public appearance of Trump: successful, loaded, and shagging fit women (perhaps even his own daughter?).

But scratch deeper and things get a bit murky.

Trump's lawyer, mentor and greatest friend was Roy Cohn. Cohn was a Jew and a homosexual (rampant homosexual by some accounts, requiring sex with young homosexuals (the younger the better, according to Cohn) every night!). Cohn became famous for persecuting alleged Communists with Joe McCarthy, but then for persecuting homosexuals (even though Cohn himself was a raving homosexual).

Due to his anti-Communism and his homosexuality, Cohn began to cooperate with the CIA: at first arranging homosexual entrapment rings for blackmail material for the CIA; but later procuring children for CIA satanic cults to abuse; and then paedophile entrapment rings to collect blackmail material for the CIA.

Due to his rampant homosexuality, Cohn came in to contact with and eventually worked for J Edgar Hoover, chief of the FBI. Hoover would later use a willing Cohn as a conduit for sleaze to destroy his opponents.

Cohn was such an anti-Communist that he became embroiled in an international fascist anti-Communist assassination and espionage network focused on the Permindex Corporation founded by British-Zionist Major Louis Bloomfield. Permindex is implicated in the attempted assassination of Charles de Gaulle, and the assassination of JFK.

So by the time that a naive Trump hunted down Cohn in New York in the early 1970s, Cohn was very high up in, if not the chief of, an FBI/CIA deep dark politics faction. For by the 1973, not only JFK but RFK had been assassinated, and the Vietnam War (which somehow Trump avoided) was close to its end.

For over a decade, Cohn was Trump's lawyer, mentor and fixer.

Or to put it more accurately: for over a decade, (top CIA and FBI agent) Cohn was Trump's lawyer, mentor and fixer.

What information did Cohn pass to the FBI and CIA about Trump?

What FBI/CIA secrets did Cohn pass to Trump?

And what information did Trump, perhaps for a fee, give to top CIA/FBI agent Cohn?

We don't know.

And not only that: Cohn was intimately involved with the mob, representing several of the made families, who would meet at Cohn's office to use the lawyer-client privilege of privacy. But at the same time of these meetings, Trump would call Cohn to find out what was going on between these families and the implications for business,

It was Cohn who arranged Trump's first massive deal: the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

What other deals did Cohn make to assist and 'make' his willing protege Donald Trump?

We don't know.

We do know that while Cohn was alive and fixing deals for Trump, Trump was successful, in New York.

But somehow, within a few years of Cohn's death, Trump was facing personal bankruptcy, owing billions.

How could this happen? If Trump was a great businessman?

Perhaps Trump is not a good businessman after all, relying on others.

Perhaps Trump relied too much on Cohn in his early years?


When Trump was in trouble, Alan Greenspan bailed Trump out.

But at what price?

What did Trump agree to to avoid personal bankruptcy, owing billions?

Again, we don't know.

It is odd that Trump:
1. was successful while top CIA/FBI agent Cohn was alive and his fixer, using the mob;
2. failed within a few years of Cohn's death, and was saved from personal bankruptcy, owing billions, by Alan Greenspan;
3. somehow becomes a great businessman and media personality;
5. is now running for the Presidency with an outrageous Zionist and racist policy and a 'persona' of a successful businessman.

Was Trump 'bought' by the Zionists?

Why would he feign neutrality on the Israel-Palestine conflict but then suck Zionist cock at AIPAC?

Fucking dodgy fucker!!

And Infowhores love him!!

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