Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Here is what the official The Trump Organization says about the Grand Hyatt Hotel:
In one of the most famous real estate deals in history, in 1976, Donald J. Trump and the Hyatt Corporation partnered to buy the Commodore Hotel, now known as the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Since many of the buildings near the hotel were in or on the verge of foreclosure, and New York City was facing bankruptcy, Mr. Trump was able to negotiate an unprecedented contract in which the city provided a 40-year tax abatement, the first ever granted to a commercial property.

[source : The Grand Hyatt Hotel, http://www.trump.com/real-estate-portfolio/new-york-past/grand-hyatt-hotel/

But Trump didn't negotiate this deal with New York City, did he.

It was that dodgy fucker Roy Cohn!!

So how many deals has Trump made and how many other deals were made by others but which he takes credit for?

It just seems odd that:
1. Trump seemed to do really well when Cohn was alive (see above);
2. but a few years after Cohn died in 1986 Trump was facing personal bankruptcy, owing billions, but was bailed out by Alan Greenspan (but in return for what?).

In other words, Trump was successful while dodgy fucker Cohn was alive helping him, but a few years after Cohn died Trump was in serious financial trouble.

We need to trace the time that Fred Trump, sleazy lyin' Don's father, allegedly said:
"some of my best deals were made by my son, Donald...everything he touches seems to turn to gold."

Because if Fred said this while Cohn was alive...

So the question now remains: who has been 'advising' Trump since he was saved from personal bankruptcy by Alan Greenspan? Who took control of Trump's businesses after Greenspan bailed him out?

Is Trump another J P Morgan/Andrew Jackson?

This very serious relationship with dodgy fucker Roy Cohn needs serious examination.

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