Friday, May 03, 2019


He's been ordering many to delete their Twitter accounts for years.

He didn't resign from Infowars when Alex Jones admitted that Infowars is an asset of U S Military Intelligence and when Alex was caught spying on his ex-wife trying to stop her free speech.

He is a massive pervert having spied on me for years, and is currently in the process of manipulating people from North England for the gain by himself and U S Military Intelligence.

He sold out all the victims of 9/11 including all those who died in the subsequent wars, and in particular all those who threw themselves from the 82nd floor of the burning WTC to avoid being roasted alive.

All this furore is just free advertisement for his latest media venture BummitNews (which is sponsored by?).

Facebook is a privately-owned corporation and can do what it likes within the law (employee rights, etc). That's what he believes in. Anything else is Communism, right? Remember that case of Christians refusing to bake a cake for homosexuals?

He only raised concerns about censorship a year ago but a year before that many genuine left-leaning anti-war websites (including TTS) were under attack from Google censorship algorithms (traffic to TTS was cut by at least 80%). Did Captain Pervert shed a tear then? Er, nope.

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