Friday, May 03, 2019


After 9/11 he wrote a half-decent book about who did 9/11. He blamed the New World Order and their intels.

Turns out he's sold out to that very network who he accused of doing 9/11 and he now promotes their agenda for yet more wars on innocent Muslims, wars which already haved killed many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of innocent Muslims!

And all the time blaming everything on leftists, Muslims and immigrants, when just a few years ago he blamed everything on the NWO/Bilderberg/banks/British Monarchy/Freemasonry, etc, etc, etc.

Now. If that isn't advocating extremist beliefs (and selling out), then what is?

But that's how it works in the propaganda game: only a few know the true game, as they manipulate the manipulaters to manipulate...

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