Saturday, July 11, 2020



Stone enabled 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2007/8. He was found guilty by a jury of 12 of his peers of several crimes, including obstructing justice.

But Stone is the fixer for the extreme rightist Zionist faction of the globalists so is virtually untouchable. His best mate, Roy Cohn, ran paedophile networks for the CIA: to collect blackmail material; and to supply children to be abused at the parties of CIA-sponsored satanists.

It was when Stone was given a regular slot on Infowars to promote Trump that Infowars stopped blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the NWO and began to blame 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants. This continues to this day. On becoming POTUS Trump stopped suggesting that the Saudis did 9/11, flew to Riyadh and sold out to the Saudis. The perps of 9/11 (Israel and the Saudis) have Trump by the jaffas. Alex Jones has stated several times that Roy Cohn was a great man, thus implying that Cohn's paedophile networks were great. Trump called Netanyahu "a great man" after Netanyahu had murdered 500 children in Gaza in 2014. Jones, as part of all this Q nonsense, has also said that the Rothschilds are going to give us all our money back. The Ickes are now on the periphery of this network.

You can now see the true U S Military Intelligence network to which Infowars belongs: crooks, thieves, burglars, liars, hackers, murderers, gangsters. That's all they are, but masquerading as fighters for justice.

The Ickes are now on the periphery of this network. David promotes himself on Infowars, and Garth promotes Infowars and Paul Derek Watson. Disavow the Ickes. Disavow Infowars and Watson.

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