Friday, July 23, 2021


Me : Alexa, when did David Icke fail? 

Alexa : 8th December 2020

Me : Alexa, why that date?

Alexa : That was the date on which the first Pfizer vaccine was injected. Since then half the UK population have had a double vaccination, 10 million have had just the one jab and are queueing up for their second, with boosters planned later this year, and now they're going for the children.

Me : Alexa, so at the Freedom Rally in London tomorrow, when David and Garth Icke speak, what do the mainstream media need to say in order to totally discredit the whole movement?

Alexa : Lizard Guy, and Son of Lizard Guy.

Me : And don't forget to add, crook and crime boss.

Alexa : Oh, yeah. Soz. And that's the absolute minimum.

Me : Yep. Coz the Ickes claimed it was 5G. Turns out it was just plain old euthanasia. He could have checked it all out on The Isle of Wight but the arrogant daaarft auld prrrick didn't.

Alexa : Yep. Daaaarft auld prrrrick!!


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