Sunday, September 05, 2021


Daddy David Icke : Look son, we commit 100% to defeating this satanic power grab now, or it's the end of freedom and humanity!

Son Garth Icke : Look, dad, I hear you, but you do you hun. K? I'm off to walk up Snowdon. K?

Daddy David Icke : But Garth! What about your children? Your new born child? Your wife? Their safety? Their freedom?!

Son Garth Icke : See yer!!

Garth then speeds off in his car to Wales (again), with the wheels spinning so fast that they screech as they burn the rubber off the tyres and smoke fills the air. And Garth quickly disappears into the distance, leaving behind an angry, disappointed dad, and a family very concerned that Garth would abandon them when his new born baby girl is just 2 weeks old and satanists are coming to get them.

Coz the virus and the globalists and their minions and puppets always take Sundays off.


I ask : what does Garth's behaviour suggest to you?

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