Wednesday, August 31, 2022


The dupe Sean Stone has apparently interviewed Alex Jones for Ickonic.

Jones is a Confederate whose family created the racist Republic of Texas, worked for and with the traitor and British agent and Godfather of the Confederacy, Andrew Jackson, and then fought at the rank of general in The Confederate Army to defend slavery. According to his ex-wife Kelly, Jones has stolen Infowars from her, and Alex has wasted the Infowars millions trying to overturn a jury decision that awarded her primary custody of their children. And Alex terrifies his own daughter by buzzing her in a low-flying helicopter.

Alex brought the recent Sandy Hook trial on himself. At the very last minute he reluctantly confessed that the event took place, but by then it was too late, so that he now owes $50 million and will probably end up owing a half billion dollars after subsequent trials.

Alex claims he made a pact with God and JC after financing the abortion of many of his unborn defenceless children and running drug-fueled orgies.

But Alex blew it all...and will pay the price: bankruptcy; defending the Confederacy; stealing Infowars; and then blowing the Infowars fortune on petty futile litigation.

But what does this say about Sean Stone?

And above all, Ickonic?

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