Friday, October 11, 2024


The founding families of Israel financed WW1, and kept WW1 going for 2 unnecessary years when we could and should have had peace in late 1916. The Zionists torpedoed peace because they wanted Palestine after the war. Great Britain agreed to this in return for the Zionists dragging the USA into the war on the side of the British which occured in April 1917. The Balfour Declaration was issued in November 1917.

The founding families of Israel helped to create, finance and protect the Nazis in order to terrorise German Jews into migrating to Palestine. These families also collaborated with the Nazis to transfer German Jews to Palestine.

After WW2 Zionist founders of Israel terrorised 750k Palestinians into the refugee camps of The West Bank and The Gaza Strip.

And on 9/11 Israel attacked the WTC and The Pentagon, and dragged the USA and other nations into a series of wars on Israel's enemies (except Afghanistan which was about restoring the opium harvests).

So you see that the natural states of Israel are war and terror.

A 3rd natural state of Israel is paedophilia and its use for blackmail.

Thus any supporter of Israel is a traitor to the human race.

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