Thursday, May 06, 2010


You may think I rant about Bilderberg, but here's what's happened and is happening now.

Greece is rioting because of the austerity measures being imposed upon its people after Bilderbergers in the Greece government (and it is less than a handful of bastards - do the research yourself) over a decade or so sold Greece into the hands of Goldman Sachs. This enabled Greece to pretend it had a different financial situation to that which it really had, so that when referenda were held in the EU to ratify the Treaty of Lisbo this massive destabilising discrepancy was hidden. But now that the Treaty of Lisbon is now active, thanks to Bilderberg Herr Gordon Braun, the true situation regarding Greek finanical affairs can be made public and emotional blackmail is now being applied to European leaders to the effect of, "hey, we've come so far to construct the EU, we can't let it fail at the first hurdle".

And who has been driving this bailout of Greece? Germany and IMF

And who runs Germany? Angela Merkel.

And is Merkel a Bilderberger? YES!

And the IMF stated last year it was going to run the global economy>

Who is the current head of the IMF?

Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

And is he a Bilderberger? Oh yes!

But that's not all. Goldman Sachs IS Bilderberg.

The heads of the US Federal Reserve are Bilderbergers.

But is the Federal Reserve actually part of the US Government executive? No! It is a privately owned cartel of banks, made up of banks owned by...

And who first created the derivatives, and is master of the derivatives market, that have driven Greece and soon Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and even the UK into running to the IMF for help? JP Morgan Chase.

And who runs JP Morgan Chase? Rockefeller.

And who runs Bilderberg? Rockefeller.

And did Herr Gordon Braun attend Bilderberg? Yes!

And did he encourage the City to a gambling with light touch regulation? Yes!

And has he sinced called for world government? YES!

So to recap;
1. the instruments causing the current crisis were instigated by JP Morgan Chase,
2. but another Bilderberg bank, Goldman Sachs, has specialised in fucking Europe via these instruments
3. however these instruments are now driving Europe into running to the IMF for help
4. but who is the biggest contributor to the IMF and thus has the biggest say? the US Federal Reserve
5. but hang on the...the US Federal Reserve is a private cartel, which is owned by JP Morgan Chase
6. thus the likes of Rockefeller via JPMC via the Federal Reserve via the IMF are secretly assuming control of the European economies after their Bilderberg gimp/bank Goldman Sachs has been busy speculating/gambling in derivatives in the EU

That's all folks!

Only life is not a cartoon...

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