Wednesday, May 05, 2010


In its editorial the FT analyses the pros and cons of the three main parties, and lo and behold wants a Conservative victory, but with some reservations.
[source : The case for change in the UK, FT 3/5/2010]

According to the FT Labour are tired, have wasted money and destroyed public faith in politics, while the LibDems, as internationalist as they are, do not have the economic policies required.

The main concern the FT has about the current Conservative leadership is its anti-Europe policy, but Big Bilderberg Ken can replace Cameron if Cameron starts getting funny ideas about withdrawing from Europe. After all, that's possibly why the Polish government was wiped out in a plane crash...

And the FT loves Europe...

But the Conservative pledge to slash the deficit faster than the other two parties has convinced the FT that the country should vote Conservative tomorrow.

So Brown signed The Treaty of Lisbon (because the Tories would never do so) and encouraged the City to go gambling and cause the current financial crisis, so that Brown makes himself so unpopular, gets dumped even by The Guardian(!) so that the Conservatives can come in and slash the state in accordance with the Bilderberg Nazi plan, and provoke riots here in the UK so that some form of martial law and police state can be imposed.

NB we can't vote The City of London out, can we?

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