This is an artists impression of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the event that triggered World War 1.
Like all false flag events the blame was not placed on the real culprits. In this case the real culprit was Freemasonry.
As a consequnce of this assassination, and some manipulation and deliberately created confusion, a series of treaties carefully engineered by Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of England Prince Edward fell into place. Germany was tricked into invading Belgium on its way to Paris, and Great Britain, having indicated it would stay out of a war on the continent, promptly intervened citing an obscure treaty to defend Belgium.
This then led to a long war and slaughter in the trenches, which also involved Russia. Lenin was sent into Russia by Germany (the Warburgs and Rothschilds to be more precise), Trotsky was sent into Russia by Wall Street (Rothschilds etc), and Communism eventually took over Russia. Palestine was stolen by Great Britain and given to the Zionists in The Balfour Declaration. The first attempt at world government was made with The League of Nations. It failed.
Communism was further empowered by Wall Street, and the Lend-Lease program of FDR which became a large overt program after the flase flag attack on Pearl Harbor, which allowed the USA to relieve the USSR from the attack by the Nazis. Communism was further empowered after WW2 by being given China and Eastern Europe. Following the Holocaust world Jewry drove Palestinians from their homes and declared Eretz Israel, treating the Palestinians like shit ever since, and thus provoking Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, later nurtured in Londonistan with a Covenant of Security.

The second attempt was made at world government with The United Nations. It still exists but does not have absolute power over sovereign nations.
There was then a huge war by the USA in South East Asia to restrain Communism and hold it in check. NATO was created to restrain Communism and keep it in check in Europe.
Then in 1989 The Berlin Wall was pulled down. This allowed the formation of a United Germany and thus a United Europe. It also opened up Russia and the former Soviet Union for economic rape. Similarly for China.
Now both have taken the side of Islam in a Zionism v Islam conflict that has deepened since yet another false flag attack on 9/11.

A nuclear war, the final cataclysm, coupled with global financial chaos will provoke many calls for the imposition an all powerful world government with absolute power over sovereign nations, and an exhausted and confused human race will be unable to resist.
Purleaze don't tell me this all happened by accident.
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