The Daily Mirror has today portrayed multiple Bilderberg attendee George Osborne as a naval captain driving HMS Britain onto the rocks.
I pictured Cap'n Oik dressed in a blue oilskin and Sou'wester, with a large pipe in his mouth steering a large wheel being battered by wind and rain, shouting into the storm, "There is no Plan B! Only Plan Bilderberg!".
The current financial crisis was engineered by Bilderberg and their banks, such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase.
They are taking over Europe. Merkel is theirs. Von Rumpoy and Barosso too. Also Dragi at the ECB. Now unelected Monti in Italy.
They are taking over the global economy via the IMF. Strauss-Kahn was theirs, until he reportedly rebelled, like Thatcher. Lagarde is.
Why is Bilderberg Cap'n Oik pushing such savage Bilderberg fascist austerity here?
What precisely is Plan Bilderberg? Savage fascist austerity everywhere?
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