In 1941 FDR wanted the USA to join in World War 2, as did Winston Churchill, but the rest of the USA didn't. On 25th November 1941 FDR met with Stimson, Hull, Knox, Marshall and Stark to discuss how to maneuver the Japanese into firing the first shot to give FDR the reason to join the war. Luckily for FDR the huge Japanese Navy managed to sail all the way across the Pacific allegedly and apparently unnoticed to attack Pearl Harbor. As a result the USA joined the war, fought for nearly four years, suffered many, many more casualties than it did in World War 1, and now accommodates a world government of sorts, The United Nations, having destroyed the first attempt at world government The League of Nations because it had not suffered many casualties in World War 1 and saw no need for a world government.
This is the USS Arizona sinking at Pearl Harbor.

Aah. That Pearl Harbor moment, when you can take your country into world war.
Nearly 60 years later and a bunch of warmongering Zionists called The Project for a New American Cemtury (PNAC) published a document called Rebuilding America's Defenses, in which they proposed war on Iraq and Iran but recognised that persuading the American public to support this would require
some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.
Luckily for PNAC some planes were allegedly hijacked by some Muslims and were flown into not only the WTC but even The Pentagon! Yes, somehow the most powerful military on the planet went AWOL on the very day that allegedly some Muslims hijacked a few planes and killed nearly 3000 people, giving the reason to go to war. And even more lucky for the hijackers was the fact that the Secretary of Defense at the time Donald Rumsfeld was a member of PNAC and had quietly been given the sole power to issue a Stand Down order. The USA blamed Iraq for that attack and having WMD, and then invaded and bombed Iraq killing approximately a million Iraqi civilians.
This is UA175 about to fly unimpeded into WTC2. Where was the USAF? Ask PNAC member Donald Rumsfeld.

Since 9/11 the US military and intelligence has since been implementing and expanding upon a plan to attack a list of countries deemed threats to Israel. That list of seven countries consists of
and...Iran and Syria.
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