Thursday, September 13, 2018


His super-sell out, super-Zionist super-hero merchant of death Bomber Drumpf sold out to the Saudis faster than Alex Jones can hire a super-creep to spy on and stalk his ex-wife. Drumpf hinted that he thought that the Saudis did 9/11. But Drumpf is flogging the Saudis as many weapons as they want in order to kill children on the bus on their way to school, and has allied with the Saudis and Israel (who did 9/11 and unleashed the cutthroat Jihadis) against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting those cutthroat Jihadis). Jud-a$$ called the Saudis that "cancer on the world". Infowar$ yesterday reported that a redacted 28 pages was released and that what information that can be extracted proves that the Saudis did indeed play a role in 9/11.

Now, you would be thinking that Jud-a$$ would be livid, furious, throwing chairs out of the window, over-turning tables like Jesus allegedly did over the money-lenders.

But no such anger has been displayed.

Instead we find this about white male privilege (or apparent lack thereof):

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